Standard vials and closures

Standardflaschen und Verschlüsse

Standard vials and closures Standard vials and closures from LABC-Labortechnik with ND (nominal diameter) 9,11,18,20 and 24. From short-thread vials to headspace flaring vials, LABC-Labortechnik can help you with all your laboratory equipment. For special applications and problems, we have vials or closures that are specially tailored to the respective requirements. Our standard vials and […]

VMAX vials

VMAX Flaschen Gruppe

VMAX sample vials for optimised residual emptying for vials larger than 32x12mm with cylindrical base for the removal of liquids with as little dead volume as possible by means of a cannula

Microliter bottles


Microlitre vials: The absolute special bottles for precious or small sample quantities. Samples in the microliter range are difficult to handle with conventional vials, as the remaining volume in the classic 2 ml vial is too large. Inserts can be used as an alternative, but they often do not fit perfectly into the bottle, have […]

Chromatography with ZeroSept® by LABC


Overview ZeroSept® closures are what LABC-Labortechnik calls its innovative, high-purity and high-quality closures for trace analysis. Only absolutely pure septa, i.e. septa that are as free as possible from blank values, receive the “ZeroSept®” rating. The caps fit our standard vials and threads. The ZeroSept® AIR septum is characterised by. It does not require an […]