Analytica 2024

Analytica welcome

Analytica 2024. We cordially invite you to visit our stand and find out more about us from 09. to see our high-purity chromatography closures in person at the Munich trade fair grounds from April 12, 2024. We look forward to the opportunity to present our products to you. In addition to our high-purity products from […]

ND9 – ZeroSept® PTFEmono

ND9 PTFE mono mit Verpackung

High-purity and cost-effective short thread caps from the ZeroSept® assortment. Compatible with all common autosamplers and GC/HPLC devices. Discover the ND9 – ZeroSept® PTFEmono short threaded cap with fail-safe PTFE disc for precise analyses. The very thin PTFE enables effortless piercing with standard syringes at -200 °C to 260 °C. The septum is designed for […]

Important visit from China

Chinese Distributor in Hennef

A visit from our distributor A delegation from our Chinese partner, Beijing Shijia Wanlian Scientific Co., Ltd., visited us in Hennef. In an intensive exchange about our core competences of migration, permeation and caps & vials, we discussed current topics and developed joint plans for the future. The comprehensive product training will lead to even […]

Stainless steel central rings half height

mittelring dn80 halbe hoehe front

Stainless steel central rings half height for Sieg-Mi-Flex Migration simulations now also with a volume / area ratio of 100ml to 2dm² via migration cell system Sieg-Mi-Flex. Tests with objects or materials that come into contact with food are mandatory. This is regulated, among others, by EU Regulations 10/2011 (Amendment 1416/2016). A common attempt from […]

SRK Instruments from Hyderabad Distributor India

SKR Indien Logo

New distributor in Hyderabad, India We have been cooperating successfully with Santosh Kandhi and his team from SRK Instruments for years. They are your contact for India and will be happy to advise you on migration, permeation and caps & vials. They are proven experts. Please contact SRK Instruments directly or send your request to […]

Exclusive distributor in Brazil

Logo allchrom

New distributor in Sao Paulo, Brazil We are proud to be working with Allcrom (Allcrom Tudo para Cromatografia) to provide even better service and support to our customers in Brazil. This expansion of our dealer network in South America is another step in our efforts to provide world-class laboratory technology solutions worldwide and to optimally […]

Every microlitre counts

Vmax mit Boden

Originally, the text was written in 2021. It has lost little of its topicality. Often it is the little that counts and the VMAX bottom proves to be a clear advantage. Every microlitre is precious. The current pandemic has (also) taught us that. Medicines and vaccines, as the attentive pandemicist now knows, are a valuable […]

MOSH/MOAH analysis with ZeroSept®AIR


Contamination-free epoxidation within the scope of the MOSH/MOAH analytics with ZeroSept®AIR Food analysis is exposed to a latent risk of interference from interfering substances. These pose a problem because they affect the limits of quantification and accuracy in analysis. Sample preparation is therefore extremely time-consuming. Since interfering substances are also present in many solvents and/or […]

New opening of


LABC-Labortechnik GmbH opens a new online shop for personal laboratory supplies: There you will find a large selection that you need for your laboratory use. In addition, we offer qualified customer service and fast shipping. Further information

Test on the tightness of the ZeroSept®AIR

Logo ZeroSept AIR

Vial closures with ZeroSept®AIR septum “PTFEvirginal/AIR/PTFEvirginal“ The new septum seal with an air cushion instead of an elastomer for standard vial closures. Due to its innovative design, the ZeroSept®AIR septum PTFEvirginal/AIR/PTFEvirginal has a high tightness, even with multiple injections! This makes the septum highly pure and, among other things, very interesting for trace analysis. It […]